*This newsletter is intended to offer information only and recognizes that individual issues may differ from those broad guidelines. Personal issues should be addressed within a therapeutic context with a professional familiar with the details of the problem. Copyright 2018 Simmonds Publications: 550 La Jolla Blvd., 306, La Jolla, CA 92037
To few of us are in touch with a lifestyle choice that can bring us a wealth of happiness, integrity, and wellness. Altruism, or giving to others, has grown out of favor over the past several decades, but has been a feature of human interaction throughout history. Indeed, a history of cooperation and giving has always been a hallmark of what binds a group or even a society together. Two people sharing the resources can produce more than two individuals acting alone in most circumstances.
Many people take the attitude, why should they give anything to another person or organization? Over the past several decades our culture has seen his shift away from giving toward a focus on self-interest. This shift coincides with a weakening of our sense of community, the breakdown of the nuclear and extended family, higher divorce rates, increased emotional diagnoses for children, and increased stratification of the social and economic orders. Guided by self-interest and greed, rather than compassion and sharing, so society continue to grow wealthier will many others drift down into poverty. Over the past decades, people’s ties to each other have weakened, and more people feel lonely. Violence is increased as have human suffering in environment, destruction. More people these days feel disconnected from others and question whether their lives have meaning. They find security in acquiring material goods, the latest technological tool, the current handbag, the trendiest automobile. Heading to self-interest has not left us individually, or is a society, in an emotionally healthy state.
The antidote to this cultural trend is found at the individual level. When enough people become conscious of how little self-interest provides their lives and then challenges it by adopting a different way of living, it spreads throughout society. Recent research into neurological activity in the brain indicates that we are “hardwired” toward altruism, toward giving to others, compassion, caring, kindness, and sharing. This is the natural human condition. Exploring this part of yourself can bring you back into harmony with your natural state.
Of course, self-interest and altruism are not either/or concepts. We need both. Just as the person guided purely by self-interest loses a great deal in terms of life experiences, the completely altruistic person, constantly serving others, is deprived the experience of exploring aspects of his or her own self-care. The clue is to find a balance between these two extremes. At this cultural juncture, most people would benefit from looking into the altruistic options.
“Be the change you want to see in the world.” Ghandi